Safe Movers Southington CT
McCabe's Movers is the trusted safe and vault mover in the Southington area. We know how difficult and hazardous it can be for a homeowner or office manager to try to dislodge a heavy safe or vault in one location and transport it to another, then secure it in place again. We have moved many safes in and out of closets and cabinets, even tight spaces. We will remove safes and install them on any floor of a building. Most people in Southington have a safe that stores cash, jewelry and other valuables, but we also transport gun safes. (It is against the law for us to transport the firearms, though.) One of our consultants will take a look at the old and new locations for your safe before moving day to make sure there will be a smooth transition.
We Are Southington's Safe Moving Experts
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"Your moving job is our career!" Reliable, Affordable, Licensed and Insured Mover in CT
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