Piano Moving Berlin CT

The piano in your living room or family room is more than a piece of furniture. It is a sensitive musical instrument to the people in your family who take playing the piano seriously. At McCabe's Moving we advise everyone in Berlin to call us for help whenever the piano has to be moved across the room or somewhere else in and out of town. Every piano from an upright to a baby grand weighs more than most people suspect. Then there are the additional problems of narrow doorways and steep stairways. The moving crew at McCabe's Moving have encountered those problems and more and can get your piano where it needs to go. We bring all of the covers and equipment we need to protect your piano and the homeowner's property. We have learned how pianos are put together and can take one apart then reassemble it if we have to. We do whatever we can to satisfy the piano owner on moving day.
The Most Reliable Piano Movers in Berlin
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